API Reference

Read content of business cards

🔎 Overview

Our free Business Card Scanner API provides the detection and extraction of contact details from business cards. We extract the following informations:

  • First name, last name and academic degree
  • Company and Position
  • Email addresses
  • Phone numbers
  • Mobile phone numbers
  • Fax numbers
  • Websites
  • Postal adresses

🔑 Authentication

Authentication is done by passing your API key as a Bearer Authentication. The Business Card Scanner API can be accessed through the following structure:

Authentication: Bearer <api_key>

🙌 Get an API key

A Spreadly account is required to create an API key. Visit Business Card Scanner > API keys (login required) to generate a new API key and to manage your existing keys.

📊 API Quotas and Usage

When you sign up for a free Spreadly account, you get 25 free requests. If you need to make more requests, you can buy more scans. See our pricing.

The X-Quota response header shows how many scans you have remaining. To see your total usage, look for the X-Usage response header. The API will return an HTTP status code 402 when the quota has been reached.

💲 Pricing

First 20,0000.03€ per scan
20,000 - 50,0000.02€ per scan
50,000 - 100,0000.01€ per scan
More than 100,000Contact us

💬 We're here to help!

If you come across any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our support team is always available and willing to assist you.